Locality Care Coordination is the process of bringing a person’s care team together. We connect all these people so that they work together as a team, with you. We focus on what matters to you, to ensure you/your whānau are supported.

This service will help with:

  • Consult with referrers – this could be offering options of other services that may benefit the client

  • Connecting services – linking existing services with each other

  • Case review – facilitate meetings that includes the client/whānau and services to develop a plan

How to access the service:

To access the service, you will be referred by your general practice (family doctor) or community agency.


Contact Details

Email: LCC@nbph.org.nz

Phone: 0800 731 317

The Locality Care Coordinators

Bella Clark

Bella Clark

Bella was brought up in Wairarapa, moving to Waimeha - Te Tau Ihu in the mid 1980s working as an Kaiwhakaora Ngangahau (Occupational Therapist) in a range of roles across hospital, leadership and private practice settings in mainly adult physical health.

Bella passion for the work is to ensure clients have a smooth pathway to good health and wellbeing – everything in life impacts on health. She is a driver for several LCC connections and promotions with other services. She is the facilitator for the Motueka Hei Pa Harakeke MDT and Interagency hui. Her locality focus is Motueka and rural Tasman. 

Rebekah Osborn

Rebekah Osborn

Rebekah is a registered nurse with experience working in Starship Children’s Hospital as well as immunisation, community youth health and occupational health. Creating a positive impact for tamariki, rangatahi & whānau remain a passion she has brought to Locality Care Coordination with linkages into paediatric services and the education sector. Rebekah facilitates the Hei Pa Harakeke First 1000 days MDT hui for Victory.

She believes Locality Care Coordination helps team members and individuals to build a broader picture through collaborative working to support health and wellbeing journeys.

Rebekah relocated to Whakatū from Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) in 2022 with her husband and their dog, Gus.  

Tineke Kwak

Tineke Kwak

Tineke lived overseas before starting a new adventure in Whakatū. Her core experience lies in addiction services and mental health. She worked within these areas as a registered social worker in residential addiction care, as a clinician in forensics and as an outreach worker with homeless people. With a recovery-based approach, she aims to work towards better health outcomes for her clients.

Tineke is very passionate about bringing a person’s team together and ensuring all resources are utilized to improve their wellbeing.